谢海燕,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学博士,杜克大学访问学者。现为华中师范大学外国语学院副教授。主持国家社科基金中华外译项目一项,省课题多项,参与国家社科科研项目多项,在A&HCI, SSCI及CSSCI等其它期刊上发表论文二十余篇,英文专著一部。
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8322-1989
1) 课堂思政与英语《视听说》教学中的惯习塑造. 《语言教育》,2023年第11卷,第4期。
2) Ideology and Form in Yan Lianke’s Fiction: Mythorealism as Method. London& New York: Routledge, 2023. (专著)
3) Mythorealism and Native Soil Writing in the International Perspective: An Interview with Yan Lianke. Wasafiri (Online) (A&HCI), 2023.
4) Interpreting Mythorealism: Disenchanted Shijing and Spiritual Crisis in Yan Lianke’s Ballad, Hymn, Ode. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (SSCI/ A&HCI), vol.34, no.1, 2022.
5) Negotiating the Politics of Chinese Fiction: The Case of Yan Lianke’s “Child.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language (A&HCI), vol. 63, no. 4, 2021.
6) Book Review: A Century of Chinese Literature in Translation (1919-2019): English Publication and Reception. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (A&HCI) (Online Resource Center), March, 2021.
7) Book Review: Someone To Talk To, by Liu Zhenyun, translated by Howard Goldblatt and Sylvia Li-Chun Lin. Chinese Literature Essays Articles Reviews, vol. 42, 2021.
8) 协商直译: 重论鲁迅的直译与《域外小说集》,《绍兴文理学院学报》(人文社会科学), 2020年第40卷第7期。(人大复印报刊资料重要转载来源期刊/中国人文社科学报核心期刊)
9) “An Age without Classics and the Writer’s Anxiety: An Interview with Yan Lianke.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (A&HCI) (Online Resource Center), May 1, 2020.
10) “‘Grabbism’” and Untranslatability: Reinterpreting Lu Xun’s Position as a Translator.” Comparative Literature Studies (A&HCI), vol. 57, no. 1, 2020.
11) “Nostalgia as Method: Contamination of Blood and Familial Ethics in Yan Lianke’s Dream of Ding Village.” Journal of Language, Literature and Culture (A&HCI), vol. 67, issue 1. 2020.
12) “The Absurd as Method: A Reading of Yan Lianke’s Prohibited Area Number Four.” Literature Compass (A&HCI), 2020; e12568. https://doi.org/10.1111/lic3.12568.
13) 脱钩: 现代性修辞、殖民性逻辑与去殖民性语法 (翻译),《马克思主义美学研究》(CSSCI),2020年22卷第2期。
14) “Book review: Transpacific Attachments: Sex Work, Media Networks, and Affective Histories of Chineseness.” Rocky Mountain Review. 72.2, 2018.
15) “Book review: Contemporary Chinese Short-Short Stories: A Parallel Text.” Chinese Literature Today. 7. 2, 2018.
16) 鲁迅的翻译思想及其现代性诉求,《浙江理工大学学报》, 2014年第2期。
17)《理论之后》:“后理论时代” 的认知测绘,《国外理论动态》(CSSCI), 2012年第3期。(第二作者)
18) 论诗歌中的隐喻连贯,《绥化学院学报》,2009年第3期。
19) 散文翻译的语用连贯重构,《荆门职业技术学院学报》,2008年第11期。
20) 论鲁迅散文中的语言变异与翻译,《安徽职业技术学院学报》,2006年第3期。
21) 从权利话语看林纾翻译中的改写,《郑州轻工业学院学报》,2006年第2期。
1) 国家社科基金中华学术外译项目《道家与中国民间文学》(编号:22WZWB002),2023,(主持);
2) 中西文化冲突下的课程思政研究:以英语专业视听说课程为例 (编号:2021087);湖北省教育厅教改项目(主持);
3)鲁迅的翻译与 “五四” 时期的现代性建构(编号:15NDJC196YB);浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题,省部级项目(主持);
5)流散文学与人类命运共同体研究 (编号:21&ZD277),国家社科基金重大项目 (2021)(参与);
6)英国文化研究的谱系学与现代转型研究;国家社科基金年度项目, 国家级 (2018)(参与);
7)雷蒙•威廉斯: 文化研究与 “希望的资源” ;教育部青年基金项目, 省部级 (2012-2015)(参与)。
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (A&HCI)
Journal of Language, Culture and Literature (A&HCI)
Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture
2)两届美国落基山现代语言协会董事会成员 (Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association) (2019-2021)
2022 小组会议评论员 文学/海洋/岛屿国际学术研讨会 (The ACCL Biennial Meeting: Literature and the Sea), the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature, 台湾,中国。
2019 会议发言 “The Absurd as Method: A Reading of Yan Lianke’s Prohibited Area Number Four,” Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA), El Paso, USA.
2019 会议发言 “On the Contemporariness of Contemporary Chinese Literature: Yan Lianke and His Writing over the Past Two Decades,” the XXII Congress of International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), 澳门, 中国
2019 筹办、主持小组会议并发言 “Resurrecting the Cannibals: Yan Lianke’s Construction of the Grotesque,” the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature, 长沙,中国
2018 会议发言 “Nostalgia as Method: Contamination of Blood and Familial Ethics in Yan Lianke’s Dream of Ding Village”, Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA), Cheyenne, USA.
2018 筹办小组会议 “Negotiating Modernity and Contemporariness: A Reflection on Self and Moral Responsibility in Chinese Literature,” 主持并发言 “On the Contemporariness of Contemporary Chinese Literature: Yan Lianke and His Writing over the Past Two Decades” at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, co-organized by CCLA conference in May, Regina, Canada.
2017 会议发言 “‘Grabbism’ and Untranslatability: Reinterpreting Lu Xun’s Position as a Translator” at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, co-organized by CCLA, Toronto, Canada.
2016 会议发言 “Resisting Modernity and the Politics of Lu Xun’s Translation” Congress of the humanities and Social Sciences, co-organized by the Canadian Comparative Literature Association (CCLA), Calgary, Canada.